
  • I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’. At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up. Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.…

  • On paper, it’s easy to wonder if Al Brown‘s Depot is playing a Keyser Soze-magnitude trick on Auckland. No bookings, crowds to battle, wait for ages to sit outside drinking wine out of a tumbler, before being granted access to sit at the bar and eat upper-mid-range-priced food on sharing plates? Well, we did all the…

  • A new thing – I’m contributing to, “an open forum for lunch suggestions in and around Auckland city”. My first post reviews Paneton Bakery: “All rolls and baps are well sized with generous fillings and go for around $6-7, a price that makes non-Aucklanders spit out their roll-up and shout “HOW MUCH?”, but makes…

  • Leftover pizza dough freezes no worries at all. But in protest, it pops weird bubbles when you thaw it and put it in the oven. Here’s exhibits A and B (click to make bigger): Pizza bread Quick pizza. Because our little family usually can’t eat a whole pizza dough on our own, leftovers usually go…

  • There was a lot packed in to 2011. Earthquakes, an election, a world cup. A new baby and family stuff. Work. Here’s a summary in mobile phone photos, an idea I’ve pinched. Update – here’s even more. Our office moved to Victoria Street, and I’m lucky enough to have this view – I spent a…

  • Food tweets

    Update on pizza notes. Roast hogget stuffed with honey, mustard and breadcrumbs from Donna Hay. Scalloped potatoes from the Edmonds Cookbook. Important to point out, these were two separate meals.

  • MediaSense is a new social media conference put on by Hal Josephson, a Hawke’s Bay entrepreneur, impresario and top bloke. For me, this was a fantastic chance to meet folk I don’t normally meet, with people from all around the country attending. The Bay was well represented and I was most impressed with the locals’ friendliness…

  • One: I’ve signed up at My first review is of Donald Sturrock’s Road Dahl bio Storyteller. I recommend it, and wrote a review over there. Most interesting to me was Dahl’s view of himself as an outsider, never conforming to any individual’s or the literary establishment’s expectations, and the fact that he  came to…

  • Pizza notes

    I’ve been experimenting, trying to make the best thin base pizza I can at home. I’d heard that Italian pizza is about the crust, not the topping, the same way Italian pasta is about the pasta, not the sauce. I wanted on board. With much trial and error, using me Dad’s basic bread-in-a-breadmaker* recipe: …I’ve…

  • My main was the Rack of South Island Wild Boar with a roast apple. It was a little bit chewy in places, but nothing to do with how it was cooked, which was beautifully. I got three generous sized ‘racks’ and a bit of pork belly, which didn’t last too long. Birthday Girl went for…