I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’.
At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up.
Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.
I did a lot of bad food photography – I’ve left most of it off this post, except for CHIPS OMELETTE! H/T The Kitchen Maid.
Lunch at Euro. Recommended.
I baked a lot of bread this year.
I also started blogging as part of the Corporate Lunchbox team – it’s fair to say my contributions have been sporadic so far. These burgers are from Char Grill.
I did enjoy a lovely meal at Depot.
The fantastic @cateowen let me sit in the 3 News chair. In fact, most of the cool shit I did this year is thanks to Cate. Ta 🙂
I got to be Jeremy Clarkson for a weekend.
And here is THE JUDGE!
Had yet another v. successful Lads Weekend, at ‘catching fish’ and ‘binge drinking’ levels.
Work-wise, I enjoyed myself thoroughly, even though it was another challenging year. Lot of issues, lot of change. I was even on the bloody telly at one point. I’m missing a lot of the folk in this picture.
The Telecom ONE unconference was another raging success, with bonus manly-disregard for safe trailer stacking practise.
My rugby team The Chiefs only went and bloody won the title. I was very happy.
The 40th birthday parties kicked right in.
Two childhood flashbacks – I fished these MAD magazine paperpacks from a paper recycling facility because HOW COULD YOU THROW THEM AWAY?!?!, and commandeered the family lego for my kids.
I got on Instagram, and found it’s useful mainly for taking photos of ‘things’, or close up photos of objects. They could be it Def Leppard tapes or drawings of a man with a toilet for a hat. For proper photos, it’s still Flickr.
I met Hillary Barry. She was lovely and didn’t mind having her photo taken with Mr Arkward arm.
I had a STORMING year, tech-wise.
This photo is the remains of my beloved HTC ONE X – which I smashed, to be replaced (thanks to me bursting into tears in front of our FANTASTIC device team in a most un-manly fashion), with Samsung’s S3, which I also lurve. Both these phones are big, with bright, vivid screens and superb cameras. Fast. You name it. I rely on it / them a lot to get stuff done, whether it’s work, organising our chaotic weekends or just fecking about on the bus.
At home, I obtained an iPad 3 and the Apple TV for home. Will save the in-depth run down for a future post, but yeah, they’re all fantastic.
My wee chap and my wee girl (she’s a bit bigger now). Family is the whole point, team.
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