
  • Here is the drill. Every so often I photoshop this photo into what I imagine will be a willfully obscure film / TV pop culture reference for my Twitter – which turns out to be depressingly predictable 80s fare nine times out of ten. You can see the rest of these here and here.  As always, apologies…

  • I use Twitter a lot, for work as well as my own fecking about. Much of this happens on my phone – but I’ve never quite settled on the Android Twitter app that’s quite right.* Actually, that’s not true. Tweetdeck for Android was perfect – but Twitter killed it. It was fast, easy to use and no-frills, relatively. I’d go…

  • A few thoughts on TVNZ’s social media rules as reported in the Herald. Before we make ‘2009 wants its social media policy back’ jokes, let’s allow for some benefit of the doubt. If you’ve ever read coverage of your own company in the papers, you’ll know there’s usually a bit more context to these stories than…

  • A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to chat to Paul Spain and Sim Ahmed on the New Zealand Digital Podcast. We talked about the new role and the old role, tools of the trade, advice for folk and businesses thinking about getting into social media and the separation between yer professional and…

  • I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’. At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up. Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.…

  • In the last month or two, I’ve been on an unfollow binge.    @richirvine ‘following’ stats July – October 2012 When starting out on Twitter, I followed my mates who had blogs, then sportspeople, then local media and online types. I was as free and easy with the follow button as I am with peanut…

  • This last couple of weeks I was lucky enough to: Speak at the Social Media and Mobile Apps forum, with a Telecom case study; “Social and corporate values – making them play nicely” Attend The Flying Social Network’s The Social Media Breakfast Both were fine events, and they made me think about conferences and expectations. …

  • Being a Waikato chap, I was pleased and honoured to be guest speaker at the first Social Media Club Hamilton event. The crowd had that friendly / awkward vibe of people who talk all day on the internet meeting each other in real life, maybe even for the first time. That vibe is a wonderful…

  • MediaSense is a new social media conference put on by Hal Josephson, a Hawke’s Bay entrepreneur, impresario and top bloke. For me, this was a fantastic chance to meet folk I don’t normally meet, with people from all around the country attending. The Bay was well represented and I was most impressed with the locals’ friendliness…

  • You know gang, if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing stupidly. And so, whenever I have two and a half minutes to spare (insert your favourite “too much time on hands” joke here), I like to take this photo of me serving wussy milky drinks *on a boat* and make a new Twitter avatar. I’m…