She’s a hard road finding the perfect Android Twitter app, boy

I use Twitter a lot, for work as well as my own fecking about. Much of this happens on my phone – but I’ve never quite settled on the Android Twitter app that’s quite right.*

Actually, that’s not true. Tweetdeck for Android was perfect – but Twitter killed it. It was fast, easy to use and no-frills, relatively. I’d go back tomorrow if I could.

tweetdeck-android OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Anyway. Once Tweetdeck was off the menu, I needed something else. In fact, because I use one app for work and another for me to avoid Tweeting From The Wrong Account Disasters, I need two. I’ve decided the perfect Twitter app needs to be:

  • fast (some apps are excruciatingly slow going between screens, gathering conversations, etc)
  • ad-free (this Candy Crush sounds ghastly)
  • able to autocomplete Twitter handles when composing a tweet (which is v handy when you’re trying to tweet ‘@NeilWagner13 strikes, takes out @StuartBroad8‘s off stump, @ECB_cricket now 111/8′ as fast as you can)
  • able to show mentions under a user profile (handy for stalking context)
  • to show ‘in reply to’ and conversations (as above)
  • great to look at, and easy to use. I don’t ask for much

Trouble is, even though there are heaps of Twitter apps in the Google Play store, most of them aren’t up to it. And I’ve tried them all. Here’s the run down, ordered from ‘shoddy’ to ‘quite good’.

Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 8.49.11 PM UbersocialTweetcasterEchofon and Plume are ruled out straight away, as they have ads and no ‘mentions’ view.Seesmic is actually good. But, it has ads – and frankly, I can’t stand the icon and wouldn’t have it on my home screen. I mean, look at it. No-one wants a raccoon on their phone.
Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 8.40.49 PM Hootsuite is great, but slow. It feels bloated and you often find yourself scrolling through endless screens to get where you want to go. I used this as my main ‘work’  Twitter account for some time, but my abiding memory is flicking between screens to get where I needed to. When you’re on mobile, you don’t want to be fecking around with that, out it went.Yes, it has all kinds of stats built in, but if I’m not paying for them, I don’t want them on the app. Humbug.
Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 8.41.18 PM Tweetings is so close to being great… I used this as my main app for some time, and it does everything you need, short of getting you a beer to enjoy while you browse Twitter. One snag – it’s so sloooooooow. If we extend the ‘getting a beer’ analogy to a painful extent, your lager or what have you would be past its expiry by the time it came back. Shame – would trade again, if they can approve the speed.
Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 8.40.01 PM Twitter’s own app does an admirable job. It’s fast, has autocomplete for usernames, mentions and conversations, searches well, and is simple to use.I still have no idea what the ‘discover’ tab does (does anyone?), but it’ll do. I use this for my work account on my phone, and my iPad**. If they chuck in the mentions view, it’ll be the One.
Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 8.41.00 PM Carbon is my recommendation for Android Twitter app at the moment. Yes, it has a silly ‘sign in screen’ with a bald eagle or some such, but once you get past that (it only appears for a second, but it feels like an age), it’s great.

GREAT looking, unobtrusive animations, fast, mention views. It’s got the lot. There’s not a lot of options in the settings, but you don’t really need them, it’s good to go, from the box. Um, Google Play store. Go nuts.

* I actually googled ‘Android Twitter app power user’ once, to my shame.

** For completist purposes, I use TweetBot on my iPad, and it’s bloody perfect. I know, not really Android-loyal of me, but as far as I’m concerned, Tweetdeck For Android WAS perfect, and now it’s binned. LOoking forward to something that’s so good, it becomes the ONLY choice for Android users. I’m waiting!

One response

  1. Dylan Reeve Avatar
    Dylan Reeve

    In the dark ages, when I was rocking a Nokia 5800 running Symbian S60v5 I discovered a Twitter app called Gravity

    It was the first mobile app I ever paid for.

    At that time (2009I think) it was not only the best mobile Twitter app I’d used, it was the best Twitter app I’d used on anything. Better than the few web and desktop apps.

    It did conversations before that was common. It support Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and more. Swipe between contexts. Highly configurable notifications.

    Ever since I left that phone and Symbian for Android I’ve been looking for a Twitter app that lives up to what I came to expect from Gravity. None have.

    Even simple things like notifications never seem to live up to my expectations on Android clients. I don’t think and I’ve tried will let me notify @mentions with a vibration, but do a tone for DMs. They’re all or nothing on the notifications – you set how you want to notify, and what, but you can’t select specifics for each class of notice.

    I’ve mostly used Tweetcaster Pro (no ads) but occasionally try others. It’s amazing how many can’t do reliable name completion as just one point.

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