
Welcome to richardirvine.com, my communications consultancy.


I’ve worked as an independent contractor since 2018, offering services like:

  • Communication strategy
  • Writing and editing
  • Media relations / point of contact
  • Content strategy and creation for web, social media, etc
  • Crisis management

Often, this means working as the comms person for organisations that want to tell their story or manage media issues, but don’t need a full time role.

Sound like you? We can start with a review of what you’re doing now and some simple recommendations. Or just a chat if you prefer.


I decided to give it a crack on my own after working for Fonterra, New Zealand Cricket and Telecom (Spark) in communications, media and social media roles. There’s a bit more over on LinkedIn.

What’s this guy’s deal?

Life-wise, my family and friends are priority number one. After that it’s playing tennis, reading, playing guitar and writing my newsletter.

Selected highlights

Here I am talking cricket and digital at Auckland’s social media club in 2013: