(Sports) Geeking out

You can listen to me on Sean Callahan’s Sports Geek podcast, talking blackcaps.co.nz, our social media stuff and wot’s coming up for the world cup.

Sean’s based in Melbourne and works with a heap of teams and leagues with their digital and social efforts, as well as producing a cottage industry in podcasts. When I started my current role I found the pods (casts?) a treasure trove of tips and ideas, so I was stoked to be asked on.

All the Sports Geek podcasts are well worth a listen – if you want to dive in, three that’ve resonated with me are:

Finn Bradshaw from cricket.com.au – I’ve listened to this a few times in fairness, good history of how they’ve got to where they are, and the reasoning behind what they do.

Richard Clarke from Arsenal. Shit football team, but worthwhile listening on sports and digital. Channels galore and a new one every year felt about right to me.

Josh Tucker from the LA Dodgers. I thought Josh’s approach was not a million miles away from what we’re trying to do at NZC in terms of simply talking to fans online.

Also check out Beers, Blokes and Business, which covers a wide variety of business topics, tending digital, in a fairly relaxed fashion.

One response

  1. Louise Shanly Avatar
    Louise Shanly

    Great reading Richard – love your style.

    Am still doing work for Tauranga City Council but haven’t visited recently. Will try and contact you next time I’m down.

    How are the family?

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