I’m not convinced about the ‘newsletters are the new blogs’ chat. But, at the risk of sounding out of touch and longing for the Olden Days, I definitely support anything that operates in a web browser instead of an app. Claiming the internet back from walled gardens – Facebook, mainly – is good. If everyone created their…
2015 in mobile phone photos
2 min read
Here’s a ramble through 2015 expressed in the ‘photos I took on my phone’ medium. I’ve actually tried to take the DSLR actually out of its bag more often this year in order to get slightly nicer, slightly more considered photos happening, but that’s, erm, a work in progress. Anyway. Onward. See also: 2014 (at…
Live n social on the radio
1 min read
Social media impresario Vaughn Davis was extremely kind to invite me on his radio show for a ramble through the BLACKCAPS, Telecom,‘s ten year anniversary and the mobile apps I use on the bog (Instapaper was my #1). Radio Live Sunday Social – listen to the whole nine yards here. Thanks Vaughn!
2013 in mobile phone pictures
2 min read
Third instalment of mobile phone photos of the year, here’s 2011 and 2012. Big year this year, with new job and a big work trip, and trying to fit everything in. You can click all the pictures to make them bigger. I changed jobs in February… …and turned 40 in February also. Quite a month.…
What’s In Your Bag, Bangladesh edition
5 min read
I’m a big fan of features like The Verge’s What’s In Your Bag? and The Setup, where folk share the stuff they use everyday in a cheerfully narcissistic fashion. [Get the full run down on the Bangladesh trip over at] For the last month I’ve been in Bangladesh with the BLACKCAPS, writing for our website,…
The revolution will not be photoshopped competently
1 min read
Here is the drill. Every so often I photoshop this photo into what I imagine will be a willfully obscure film / TV pop culture reference for my Twitter – which turns out to be depressingly predictable 80s fare nine times out of ten. You can see the rest of these here and here. As always, apologies…
Some guy on the NZ Digital Podcast
1 min read
A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to chat to Paul Spain and Sim Ahmed on the New Zealand Digital Podcast. We talked about the new role and the old role, tools of the trade, advice for folk and businesses thinking about getting into social media and the separation between yer professional and…
You can’t troll a troll
2 min read
On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be on Social Media Club Auckland’s When communities go bad panel, along with Anna Connell, Mike Kooge and Chris Keall. The panel. Photo filched from SMCAKL site. Some brief thoughts: Being trolled is part of the territory for doing corporate social media. Of course, social media is just…
Lads weekend 2013
0 min read
Leaving Telecom
5 min read
Last month I left Telecom – I was six weeks shy of completing ten years there. In that time, I reckon I had about seven jobs, in the retail business, then Telecom Wholesale, then in the corporate relations team, the last two and a bit as social media manager. I want to write some stuff…