new zealand

  • This was on the return from a trip to Astrolabe Reef to scatter my uncle’s ashes. It was an emotional and fascinating day. He was a mad keen diver from the days where you wore a rugby jersey rather than a wet suit and saying goodbye in such a beautiful spot with perfect seas and…

  • Here’s a ramble through 2015 expressed in the ‘photos I took on my phone’ medium. I’ve actually tried to take the DSLR actually out of its bag more often this year in order to get slightly nicer, slightly more considered photos happening, but that’s, erm, a work in progress. Anyway. Onward. See also: 2014 (at…

  • In which I try to sum up the entire culture of New Zealand in two paras.

  • Third instalment of mobile phone photos of the year, here’s 2011 and 2012. Big year this year, with new job and a big work trip, and trying to fit everything in. You can click all the pictures to make them bigger. I changed jobs in February… …and turned 40 in February also. Quite a month.…

  • [Click to make bigger] Hobbiton was ace.

  • Today’s announcement that the English Premier League will only be available over the internet has caused a little angst among people worried about their broadband speed. Because many folk aren’t getting the best out of the broadband connection they have, here’s the best single thing you can do to improve things at your place*. Your…

  • I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’. At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up. Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.…

  • A few thoughts on the recent The Project [R]Evolution conference. I thoroughly enjoyed Dan Neely from the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office – his points about responding fast, but accurately in a crisis resonated with me. It takes some maturity in an organisation to get on social media and say “we know there’s a crisis…

  • On paper, it’s easy to wonder if Al Brown‘s Depot is playing a Keyser Soze-magnitude trick on Auckland. No bookings, crowds to battle, wait for ages to sit outside drinking wine out of a tumbler, before being granted access to sit at the bar and eat upper-mid-range-priced food on sharing plates? Well, we did all the…

  • This last couple of weeks I was lucky enough to: Speak at the Social Media and Mobile Apps forum, with a Telecom case study; “Social and corporate values – making them play nicely” Attend The Flying Social Network’s The Social Media Breakfast Both were fine events, and they made me think about conferences and expectations. …