
  • Here’s how I burn .avi files to DVD. For a guide to why this guide exists, scroll down. You can click the pictures to make them bigger. 1. Get ffmpegx. It’s free and marvelous. Install and follow all the instructions. 2. Open your .avi and set it to convert to .mov. I accepted all the…

  • Bloody focus

    You should read Merlin Mann’s Better post. It’s a superior articulation of my goal this year: to contribute more and consume less. I’m the world’s best procrastinator. I also love the net. That’s a very, very dangerous combination, and I’m trying to redress the balance. I have this blog and – I do them…

  • Revolution #3

    So I decided to lose the hair. I sashayed along to the Barber down the road and browsed the fishing and trucking magazines for a bit while a Dad and both sons all got the same haircut. I got in the chair,  and asked for the #3 all over – the barber in the next…

  • Here’s what I’ve been up to while neglecting this here blog. I thundered in on the recent truck protest, and the Auckland International Film Festival on the Aucklandista Graeme from Sportsfreak kindly published my nostalgic wallowing on the day we beat the Aussies in 1999 I did a couple of awesome (ahem) cartoons on…

  • Inspired by Jason Kottke, I’ve been through 1001 books and films you must see before you die and ticked off my reading (28) and viewing (215). It’s fair to say I’ve seen more of the films than read the books on these lists- I tend to read more contemporary lit, and the list focuses more…

  • I’ve been using since April 2005, and saved 2200 pages to the site. Recording and tagging my web travels is great, stopping all those wonderful links from slipping into the digital never-never land. Firefox makes link getting really easy, with Apple or Ctrl – click I get a good eight or ten tabs open…

  • Last weekend, 6 old friends drove to a remote Coromandel bach for a weekend of hard-drinking, bullshit-talking good times only possible when partners stay at home (no offence!). It was a brilliant, save the PS2 plug non-compatibility SNAFU. The best bits were: – The fridge: – Unashamed, unapologetic and unmuffled farting was definitely on the…

  • Now you know who actually writes this stuff

  • I went off the grid for a few days with my girl. As I left the office on Friday, I wrestled with my conscience – does the laptop come or stay? With my T3G card, I get reasonable  connection pretty much anywhere – but that’s not really a holiday is it? It wound up staying.…

  • It lives!

    Aaaaand… I’m back. Since January, I’ve been mostly blogging at sportreviewnz.sportreviewnz started with links to sports stories I found interesting, and reviewing my old sports books. Then I started doing my sporting ‘cartoons’ (I always put that in quotes. It doesn’t seem right to include my farking around with photoshop, powerpoint and swearing in the…