• Dungeonista

    Gary Gygax, the inventor of Dungeons & Dragons, a rope from the rowboat of social interaction for young nerds the world over, died today. Here’s a long article by a guy who went to meet Gygax in his lair. My own role-playing innocence was shattered when Mum arranged a playdate with a fellow D&Der. He…

  • Links

    As children we all loved Garfield, only to grow up and realise his “cynical” take on the world appeals mainly to people who live alone with only a freezer full of ice cream for company. So, you’ll love Garfield minus Garfield. Do you think this would work with Wal and The Dog? Portishead are back,…

  • The original is on the Aucklandista site Remember video shops? Rewinding, fixing the tracking, due back by 12? As a lad, I’d spend hours in the corner video shop trawling the likes of Joysticks and Brewsters’s Millions to find the perfect tape for that weekend’s slumber party (it was a more innocent time back then,…

  • If you find The Onion as screen-splatteringly funny as I do, you’ll want to check out this podcast of how they do it. Turns out they write about 600 headlines a week, then battle in the writers’ room for which ones go in. There’s a whole lot of of intellectualising goes on, and while part…

  • New Toy

    My place of work has been so goodly kind to shout me a shiny new Okta Touch. First thoughts: It’s sexy. Real sexy. Sexy as really cold beer on a hot day. This is my first real PDA, and all my ‘I just want a PHONE, man’ thoughts melted effortlessly away in no time. It’s…

  • From Merlin Mann’s 5ives: 1. gently enquires as to where you like to put the turkey baster 2. repeatedly offers to demonstrate “how Blighty squeezes the lemonade” 3. stands in your front yard, pants-less and swinging a garden hose in lazy figure-eights 4. makes rapid “milking a cow” gesture while screaming something incoherent about Robert…

  • You can read the original over on the Aucklandista For Aucklanders, traffic is big, right up there with property prices and ‘How’s my hair?’. THAT big. So when I moved to the Shore (love makes you do crazy things, team), getting to work weighed heavily on my mind. I mean, Shore traffic is crap, right?…

  • Has anyone else drawn comparison between alleged murderer / vigilante Bruce Emery  and the Michael Douglas character from Falling Down? In other, related questions – am I a terrible person?

  • A nerd’s life comes apart in front of your eyes, while explaining best clone stamp practice. I love that he’s turned a boring old Photoshop tutorial into a mini tragedy. Genius. Episode one / Episode two / Episode three