• I read embarrasingly little that was *new* in 2008. But I did get lots read – thanks, bus commuting and baby-enforced early nights. My best were: – East of Eden, with a surprising amount of sex and violence for a book written in 1952 and set at the turn of last century. – In Cold…

  • Canon G9. Seems weird taking a photo of a camera on your phone to upload to Flickr to put n your blog. Our grandparents fought in a WAR so we could do this, team. Anyway. Keep your eyes on my Flickr for improved quality soon.

  • I’m apparantly 45.6% addicted to film – how about you?.

  • Tweet

    Lance Armstrong’s not just a better cyclist than me, but better at Twitter, too. He wouldn’t want to take me on @ procrastination, though.

  • It gave me immense pleasure to turn this abomination: …into this: Piles of cables annoy me out of all proportion.

  • I’m a boy

    You can click it to make it bigger

  • Via this guy, via Kottke: I will propose a new personality test where you reblog your favorite movie from each of these directors: Joel Coen: No Country for Old Men, The Big Lebowski, Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, Miller’s Crossing, Raising Arizona, etc Wes Anderson: The Darjeeling Limited, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal…

  • Ahahahahah. Just look.

  • OK, so this has gone in about 400m from my house. That’s good, right?

  • Via Kung Fu Grippe