new zealand

  • The NZ top Tweeter lists (one, two, three) probably did exactly what the Herald wanted it to – create a lot of page views. MUCH debate ensued as to whether your own humble tweet collection of chatter with your mates, with the odd artful zinger is as worthy as some breakfast jock’s. Only you and…

  • There was a lot packed in to 2011. Earthquakes, an election, a world cup. A new baby and family stuff. Work. Here’s a summary in mobile phone photos, an idea I’ve pinched. Update – here’s even more. Our office moved to Victoria Street, and I’m lucky enough to have this view – I spent a…

  • I made a late entry in the comment thread of the year over at Dim Post, a challenge to “submit a paragraph in which Shelley writes a passage from a classic New Zealand novel in her own inimitable style,” referring to the Herald’s Remuera housewife on Valium / crack columnist Shelly Bridgeman. My paragraph is…

  • MediaSense is a new social media conference put on by Hal Josephson, a Hawke’s Bay entrepreneur, impresario and top bloke. For me, this was a fantastic chance to meet folk I don’t normally meet, with people from all around the country attending. The Bay was well represented and I was most impressed with the locals’ friendliness…

  • Clearing out my phone’s photo gallery. If you look at this photo while standing next to the oven on 230 degrees on fan bake, you’ll get an idea of how hot it was this day, but with less cooling breeze. This thing made us move out of our fishing spot in the Tauranga harbour channel.…

  • Thereafter, TV One revisited, like a dog returning to its vomit, the Michael Jackson circus every night, for significant periods, for the next 11 nights. Ian Bayly, I love your work.

  • I’m fascinated by people that make money from nothing on auction sites – like this guy flogging a Casio Vl-1 ‘possessed by Satan’. So… a weekend tidy up yielded an innocuous cheese grater – and I decided to write a ‘hard case’ ad on TradeMe, taking full advantage of current hoo-hah over rising food prices.…

  • Cross-posted from the New-Look Aucklandista When I type ‘Auckland’ into my itunes I get exactly, ah, no results. Alright, there’s the Muttonbird’s ‘Dominion Road‘, a great song ruined by homesick ex-pats, and that punk-AK’79 affair about jumping off Grafton Bridge. Dublin must be shitting itself. We live in a very pretty city, team, so how…