The cabinet of Dr Chorus
1 min read
OK, so this has gone in about 400m from my house. That’s good, right?
Me-ssa load letter
1 min read
Check out’s best photoshop contest for a while – Star Wars characters in other movies. Probably not dial-up friendly.
Dispatch from Dial-up hell
2 min read
I was trying to upgrade OSX when the shit hit the fan. Some big downloads meant I’d teetered over my 10GB cap for the month, and my internet connection, my precious, precious broadband was grounded – back to 56KBps I went. For two weeks. Bloody hell. Oh well, we survived for years on Dial-up –…
1 min read
Wired magazine has an oral history of War Games, the film that made me realise Dad’s TRS-80 was capable of more than 10 Print: You are a dick and 20: Goto 10. Possibly. That shit’s *still* really, really funny Kubrick nitty gritty fans should take an hour to watch this, or the time-poor should read…
A cynical experiment – LOL!
1 min read
I’m fascinated by people that make money from nothing on auction sites – like this guy flogging a Casio Vl-1 ‘possessed by Satan’. So… a weekend tidy up yielded an innocuous cheese grater – and I decided to write a ‘hard case’ ad on TradeMe, taking full advantage of current hoo-hah over rising food prices.…