chartered trips

  • Shee-yit, I’ve got a blog!Anthony Bourdain is the anti-celebrity chef with a taste for Steak and The Ramones – that alone makes him my kind of guy, but he also does deadly keyboard. I pilfered copies of “Kitchen Confidential‘ and ‘A Cook’s Tour‘ last Thursday, and have read the first and am halfway through the…

  • Blog neglect

    It’s World Cup time, so any blog effort is over on the other channel.I DID make nice Creme Brule with blueberries, though.

  • Mount QB weekend 040606 002 Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • Bullet Points

    It’s a beautiful blue sky day in Auckland. Here’s some bullet point for the long weekend. – Thinking of original stuff to put on your blog is HARD. – We came third in the quiz this week. – Mother of all Score! Reports is coming soon. – Go out and buy Samuel Flynn Scott’s album…