chartered trips

  • Bressa Creeting Cake recorded my fav NZ album ever – here’s my entry to Public Address System’s Soundtrack competition. It’s a fuck of an album.Bressa Creeting Cake for the most part went on to become vineyard and orchstra salwarts Goldenhorse, after releasing my favorite NZ album, the eponymous Bressa Creeting Cake. Dodgy name (and cover)…

  • Empire has the latest trailer for Cloverfield, the mysterious monster mashup movie that ‘s got interweb nerds ordering an extra case of Mountain Dew and towelettes for extra long nights’ online debate. It’s bought to you by Lost’s JJ Abrahams, and has loads of hand held camera stuff, plus shit blowing up – The Blair…

  • Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • Blog neglect

    I’m on holiday in the UK, Italy and Croatia until early October. If I get any decent photos, I’ll post them here – the most part will be on Flickr.Righto

  • Link pinched from Spare RoomThis is like a documentary. One of the things I enjoyed about working life in Dublin was getting TOTALLY shitfaced with your colleagues on a very regular basis. Usually on a Tuesday. It was typical for our director to declare over a nightclub table swimming with drink – “If I see…

  • Score! Report

    An ongoing series in which the blogger shares his budget orientated music and / or movie purchases, revealing something of both his refined taste and an unwillingness to shell out any decent cash for it. What? Beatles Box Set – 11 albums, plus the Yellow Submarine and Rarities making 13 bits of Beatles vinyl, all…

  • – 14 Classic Tom Petty opening lines I’m a big fan of Tom and his nuggety, honest songs that always use the same three chords – they take me back to road trips from The Mount to Tairua and back again listening to Full Moon Fever over and over and over. Or maybe just Silence…

  • Remember when Napster was a free for all? It was bloody magic, I was working in Dublin at the time downloading CRAPLOADS of music on a Celtic Tiger-provided high speed connection. The best bit was thinking “what about that one song I liked back in ’86?” – a quick search and there it was, you…