Surf Spots 080806

14 Classic Tom Petty opening lines I’m a big fan of Tom and his nuggety, honest songs that always use the same three chords – they take me back to road trips from The Mount to Tairua and back again listening to Full Moon Fever over and over and over. Or maybe just Silence Of The Lambs.- Ari Gold I’ve read a bit about this highly stressed, profane, nihilistic, mobile phone addict Ari Gold from Entourage. This is very popular in the US, and thanks to YouTube, we can have a look now, too. Looks like fun, not to mention the lamented Action.

Delia’s Half Time Snacks For the recent football World Cup, Guardian unlimited optimistically provided these recipes for UK footy fans to whip up at half time. Now I’ve experienced Brit ‘cuisine’ and if it’s not fried, battered, in pita bread or Chips, you’re struggling, really. Plus many of these require preparation pre-match, so she’s cheated there, but still, there’s some nice looking recipes.

One response

  1. Insolent Prick Avatar
    Insolent Prick

    And would you look at that? You even get an honourable mention at Asian Invasion for your tennis prowess!

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