2013 in mobile phone pictures

Third instalment of mobile phone photos of the year, here’s 2011 and 2012. Big year this year, with new job and a big work trip, and trying to fit everything in.

You can click all the pictures to make them bigger.

2013-01-09 10.05.54

I changed jobs in February…

Ibanez Talman

…and turned 40 in February also. Quite a month. I had a lovely party with friends and family all in attendance. This axe was my mid-life crisis acquisition – it’s been loads of fun.


The new job’s offices had a pretty different vibe to the last one, in fairness.

2013-05-16 23.15.27

I spent a lot of time this year watching cricket and tweeting about it, happy days.

2013-05-16 16.44.12

This is a traffic light that looks like a TIE fighter.

2013-05-11 15.47.09

Straight to the pool room.

2013-06-30 08.44.36

Wee fella.


Wee fella and wee girl. Family is going great.

2013-12-08 19.21.45


So this was dinner

I tried to lay off the bad food photography this year, but… you know.

Fire walk with me.


Most bad-ass birthday cake awardee here.

We got serious about lego this year.

Quick selfie

I got right on board the selfie boom.

2013-10-10 16.30.40

So I went to Bangladesh with the BLACKCAPS. This was Chittagong.

2013-10-14 07.30.05

I never get tired of posting this – signing a bat at Hotel Agrabad over breakfast.

2013-10-14 10.40.03

2013-10-21 14.32.35

I saw a number of cool modes of transport in Bangladesh.

2013-10-20 14.39.05

2013-10-20 14.41.24


2013-11-06 17.32.07

This was my last meal in Bangladesh. Bloody good it was too.

2013-11-18 18.27.58

Someone did some pretty sweet burnouts on our street.

2013-11-23 09.22.10

Colleague sorts out hipster DJ at Christmas party.

2013-11-23 17.40.05

Watching the Ashes while BBQing was a bit of a highlight. Merry 2014 all!

One response

  1. kylie Avatar

    loving the bat signing ceremony. Tres hilar

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