
Your blog, Twitter and LinkedIn* are your shtick. My shtick is apparently a stream of unrelated stills from films with me clumsily Photo Shopped in, probably saying ‘work shy’ and ‘limited Photo Shop skills’ to any potential employer. Here goes.

Previous edition

*probably not your LinkedIn

Alien – bonus corridor related link
Billions of stupid avatar barnacles
About to blow this thing and go home
Me and Kirky with NZ’s (other) World Cup
Teen idol
Ready for lift off
Remember caring about screensavers?
“Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days, I just kick this piece of shit out the window.”
These days are on
Turn to the right
All work no play makes Richard a dull boy
Never change the default desktop
Ringo is a tremendously under-rated drummer

One response

  1. PL Avatar

    Never change Richard 🙂

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