
  • I really enjoyed talking to Sam Grover from The Big Idea about artists promoting themselves and their work. You can read the interview here, but essentially, it’s: Have a clear goal, and know what success looks like Don’t get bogged down in meaningless metrics (And don’t compare yourself to others. Good advice for many areas…

  • My little newsletter project recently turned one – here’s a run down, remember that you can sign up any time at 52 not out – thanks for being part of the first year of the Sport Review newsletter. It’s been a bloody pleasure hitting send every Friday for you.  First, massive thanks to you,…

  • Being a total Busy Dad, the greatest mental barrier to playing my electric guitar was the time it would take to get all my pedals out, connect them together and power them up. Then put them all away again when the rockin’ arena must return to an office. The solution – build a pedal board,…

  • I’m not convinced about the ‘newsletters are the new blogs’ chat. But, at the risk of sounding out of touch and longing for the Olden Days, I definitely support anything that operates in a web browser instead of an app. Claiming the internet back from walled gardens – Facebook, mainly – is good. If everyone created their…

  • Thought with some distance, it was the right time to wrap up two years at Fonterra. Previously: Leaving Telecom / Dawdling to the pavilion. My two years at Fonterra was a real game of two halves. The first year was when the milk price was down, the farmers were hurting and getting things out the…

  • A couple of years ago while messing around with the kids at the Hairy McLary park on Tauranga Waterfront, we saw a stingray lazily cruising along the rocks at low tide. He did several laps and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere. Now we live here, and every time I park…

  • Moving to Tauranga, we now live an easy ten minutes or so on the bike from the office. I wanted a flat pedal bike that’s more upright than the road bike, and that wouldn’t be out of place on the light gravel paths around here. Luckily I had this – my father’s old Batavus Criterium.…

  • This was on the return from a trip to Astrolabe Reef to scatter my uncle’s ashes. It was an emotional and fascinating day. He was a mad keen diver from the days where you wore a rugby jersey rather than a wet suit and saying goodbye in such a beautiful spot with perfect seas and…

  • Hack pack

    Couple of notes on music apps: Garageband is really fun and powerful app – I use it on my iPad to record my electric guitar using the Tascam IXZ dongle and headphones, so as not to wake the kids. Here’s me butchering George Harrison’s Something in Garageband: [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /] The backing guitar…

  • Here’s a ramble through 2015 expressed in the ‘photos I took on my phone’ medium. I’ve actually tried to take the DSLR actually out of its bag more often this year in order to get slightly nicer, slightly more considered photos happening, but that’s, erm, a work in progress. Anyway. Onward. See also: 2014 (at…