• I’ve been using Del.icio.us since April 2005, and saved 2200 pages to the site. Recording and tagging my web travels is great, stopping all those wonderful links from slipping into the digital never-never land. Firefox makes link getting really easy, with Apple or Ctrl – click I get a good eight or ten tabs open…

  • You Look Nice Today is my new fav podcast – it’s 43 Folders‘ Merlin Mann with two other hip-ass Silicon Valley types talking uniforms, odour clouds, and Snare! These guys were described on Digg! as ‘Twitter superstars’. How the HELL does one become a ‘Twitter superstar’? I still don’t think I’m using it right.

  • Last weekend, 6 old friends drove to a remote Coromandel bach for a weekend of hard-drinking, bullshit-talking good times only possible when partners stay at home (no offence!). It was a brilliant, save the PS2 plug non-compatibility SNAFU. The best bits were: – The fridge: – Unashamed, unapologetic and unmuffled farting was definitely on the…

  • Brilliance from The Onion – a poem written as Dr Suess protesting recent tsunami of crap-like Jim Carrey / Mike Myers / Dreamworks adaptations of his books. The Onion – sometimes it makes me want to be a top comedy blogger, sometimes it makes me want to chuck it all away, they’re so good.

  • Just watch it – this is what the internet is for

  • Now you know who actually writes this stuff

  • Links

    I’ve just thundered in with a coupla posts on The Aucklandista – Two short points on Auckland bookshops, and I want to ride it where I like. I reckon you should get over there and read ’em, it’s heaps better than this blog. Are you too nice? Do you only say ‘no’ to questions like…

  • I went off the grid for a few days with my girl. As I left the office on Friday, I wrestled with my conscience – does the laptop come or stay? With my T3G card, I get reasonable  connection pretty much anywhere – but that’s not really a holiday is it? It wound up staying.…

  • What Now fans, get ready to be jealous, very jealous.  Here I am with the witty and charming Michele A’Court.

  • The Observer interviews Gawker Media’s Nick Denton Nick Denton is the blogosphere’s Baron Silas Greenback, sitting pretty in his New York loft/lair, having figured out what EVERYONE wants to know – how to make money off this here blog thing. I’ve loved Gawkers’ hilariously insulting beatdowns on the ‘internet famous’ for brief periods at a…