• In celebration of me figuring out how to embed small youtube videos (it’s actually really easy, how I LAUGHED!), here’s a clip from Summer Heights High. It’s created by Aussie Chris Lilley, the guy behind We Can Be Heroes: Finding the Australian Of The Year. Enjoy.

  • My future car

    I’m not that into cars. Hey, I’m on my second Nissan Primera. But no-one with a passing interest in the really fucking wicked couldn’t not fall in lust with the Holden GTR-X concept. Behold.

  • So this year, I’m growing Tomatoes for the first time ever. My garden consists of six Tomato plants (Tommy Toe and Dynamo), one bucket of Potatoes, and a big-arse Rosemary plant so far. They were my first ever father’s day gifts (awww!). I really want to get a big-arse Basil plant and a big-arse Coriander…

  • Heavy going

    David Foster Wallace killed himself at the weekend. I should really attempt Infinite Jest again – I stalled at about the 600 page mark. It’s probably not one for the bus, in fairness. Dave Eggers reckons it takes a solid month. Two links – Roger Federer as religious experience. And one from The Onion.

  • Bloody focus

    You should read Merlin Mann’s Better post. It’s a superior articulation of my goal this year: to contribute more and consume less. I’m the world’s best procrastinator. I also love the net. That’s a very, very dangerous combination, and I’m trying to redress the balance. I have this blog and sportreview.net.nz – I do them…

  • Web search

    From B3ta:

  • Here’s the paragraph that made me snort on the bus today: I noticed a stuffed spaniel poised by the fireplace with a yellowed newspaper rolled into its mouth. Madeleine said ‘That’s Balto. The paper is the LA Times for August 1, 1926. That’s the day Daddy learned he’d made his first million. Balto was our…

  • Did pub quiz last night for the first time in ages – so here’s a Katz cartoon.

  • Check out Fark.com’s best photoshop contest for a while – Star Wars characters in other movies. Probably not dial-up friendly.

  • Revolution #3

    So I decided to lose the hair. I sashayed along to the Barber down the road and browsed the fishing and trucking magazines for a bit while a Dad and both sons all got the same haircut. I got in the chair,  and asked for the #3 all over – the barber in the next…