
  • Tricky Ricky

    If you’re down with the podcasts and all that, or just have broadband, you’ll be interested to know Ricky Gervais of ‘The Office’ is doing a podcast on the Guardian’s website – with Stephen Merchant (co-writer of The Office) and another bloke. If you want to get clever, here’s the .xml feed. link

  • In June I started keeping a ‘film diary’ of all the movies I’ve seen – and between then and today, I’ve seen 37. Highlights / points of interest include:– Ratio of cinema going / watching at home is 9 : 28– Oldest film on the list: 2001 A Space Odyssey– Newest: Serenity– Biggest heap of…

  • On the other side of my web empire is my latest effort at a rugby ‘cartoon’. You can see it at my flickr page or at thesilverfern. No, I don’t know why NZers rarely see the massive potential for humor in our national game, either.link

  • I want one of these. I watched the making of Dawn Of The Dead last weekend – they had a lot of fun making that alright. I first saw it at about 14, in the prime of my horror watching / violence de-sensitising, and it still holds up pretty well today (except the pie fight?).…

  • Kent St

    Quiz night 301105 011 Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • Just so you know, Real Groovy is having the best sale at the moment. Here’s the results of my lunchtime stroll (21 degrees today in Auckland BTW). fIREHOSE – Mr Machinery Operator. A very underrated band from the SST label (eg Husker Du, Sonic Youth, Black Flag, etc etc), I got into these guys after…

  • link Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • link Originally uploaded by richirvine73.

  • I bought my iPod (plain vanilla – 20gig, 4G) a few months ago, and frankly, I don’t know how I lived without it. Its just fitted right in to the way I do stuff, and now I’m going to become the 1,000,000,000th person on the internet to say OH MY GOD IT TOTALLY TOTALLY RULES.…

  • You have received a Telecom Photo/Video Message Originally uploaded by richirvine73.