
  • Social media impresario Vaughn Davis was extremely kind to invite me on his radio show for a ramble through the BLACKCAPS, Telecom, sportreview.net.nz‘s ten year anniversary and the mobile apps I use on the bog (Instapaper was my #1). Radio Live Sunday Social – listen to the whole nine yards here. Thanks Vaughn!

  • Some quick thoughts on the Telecom -> Spark thing. Telecom’s biggest challenge has always been doing less. Like any incumbent telco, it has no end of systems, processes, technology and products that keep getting in the way of having a product line up that’s simple and complete while still innovating at the pace demanded by…

  • Third instalment of mobile phone photos of the year, here’s 2011 and 2012. Big year this year, with new job and a big work trip, and trying to fit everything in. You can click all the pictures to make them bigger. I changed jobs in February… …and turned 40 in February also. Quite a month.…

  • A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to chat to Paul Spain and Sim Ahmed on the New Zealand Digital Podcast. We talked about the new role and the old role, tools of the trade, advice for folk and businesses thinking about getting into social media and the separation between yer professional and…

  • On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be on Social Media Club Auckland’s When communities go bad panel, along with Anna Connell, Mike Kooge and Chris Keall.   The panel. Photo filched from SMCAKL site.  Some brief thoughts: Being trolled is part of the territory for doing corporate social media. Of course, social media is just…

  • Last month I left Telecom – I was six weeks shy of completing ten years there. In that time, I reckon I had about seven jobs, in the retail business, then Telecom Wholesale, then in the corporate relations team, the last two and a bit as social media manager. I want to write some stuff…

  • I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’. At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up. Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.…

  • In the last month or two, I’ve been on an unfollow binge.    @richirvine ‘following’ stats July – October 2012 When starting out on Twitter, I followed my mates who had blogs, then sportspeople, then local media and online types. I was as free and easy with the follow button as I am with peanut…

  • On the box

    So I was on the telly, along with Simone McCallum and Rick Shera talking about this ruling in Australia where by companies are responsible for everything that appears on their Facebook or social media pages. My (expanded) view is that social media should be literally social – a two way conversation between companies, their customers…