“I think he’s at lunch”

A new thing – I’m contributing to corporatelunchbox.com, “an open forum for lunch suggestions in and around Auckland city”.

My first post reviews Paneton Bakery: “All rolls and baps are well sized with generous fillings and go for around $6-7, a price that makes non-Aucklanders spit out their roll-up and shout “HOW MUCH?”, but makes Aucklanders say “Mmmm, that’s pretty reasonable for a roll these days”.

Look for more coming up, over there. The site is ‘curating’ an Auckland Burger Power Rating chart, I am looking forward to rating some burgers powerfully.

So, this was lunch #foodtweet
The steak at Toto, a god among lunches

PS the Corporate Lunchbox has the best rate card in the business.

One response

  1. Foster Avatar

    I’m still envying that Toto lunch as I foolishly got the monkfish. In my haste to scoff something I interpreted ‘tagliata’ as a pasta element, when it just means ‘sliced’ – ignorance is most certainly not bliss! Rematch to be arranged asap!

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