
  • A few thoughts on TVNZ’s social media rules as reported in the Herald. Before we make ‘2009 wants its social media policy back’ jokes, let’s allow for some benefit of the doubt. If you’ve ever read coverage of your own company in the papers, you’ll know there’s usually a bit more context to these stories than…

  • Here’s a very simple test you can perform at home if you suspect someone has bought their followers on Twitter. Step one: Read your mark’s tweets. Go back a week or two if you can be arsed. Step two: Ask yourself ‘would X thousand people REALLY be interested in that? Really?!?’ There is no step…

  • The NZ top Tweeter lists (one, two, three) probably did exactly what the Herald wanted it to – create a lot of page views. MUCH debate ensued as to whether your own humble tweet collection of chatter with your mates, with the odd artful zinger is as worthy as some breakfast jock’s. Only you and…

  • Tweet

    Lance Armstrong’s not just a better cyclist than me, but better at Twitter, too. He wouldn’t want to take me on @ procrastination, though.

  • You Look Nice Today is my new fav podcast – it’s 43 Folders‘ Merlin Mann with two other hip-ass Silicon Valley types talking uniforms, odour clouds, and Snare! These guys were described on Digg! as ‘Twitter superstars’. How the HELL does one become a ‘Twitter superstar’? I still don’t think I’m using it right.