
  • Being a total Busy Dad, the greatest mental barrier to playing my electric guitar was the time it would take to get all my pedals out, connect them together and power them up. Then put them all away again when the rockin’ arena must return to an office. The solution – build a pedal board,…

  • A couple of years ago while messing around with the kids at the Hairy McLary park on Tauranga Waterfront, we saw a stingray lazily cruising along the rocks at low tide. He did several laps and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere. Now we live here, and every time I park…

  • Here’s a ramble through 2015 expressed in the ‘photos I took on my phone’ medium. I’ve actually tried to take the DSLR actually out of its bag more often this year in order to get slightly nicer, slightly more considered photos happening, but that’s, erm, a work in progress. Anyway. Onward. See also: 2014 (at…

  • Third instalment of mobile phone photos of the year, here’s 2011 and 2012. Big year this year, with new job and a big work trip, and trying to fit everything in. You can click all the pictures to make them bigger. I changed jobs in February… …and turned 40 in February also. Quite a month.…

  • [Click to make bigger] Hobbiton was ace.

  • I enjoyed doing this post so much last year, I’m doing it again. 2012 was ‘a bit calmer than 2011, but a bit more exhausting’. At New Year’s at the Mount, there was still Rena debris washing up. Thanks to my four year old, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the wacky world of model railways.…

  • Goal


  • Once, Flickr was THE photo site, with one of great early online communities, formed around a shared love of photography. All the proper photographers I know are on Flickr. Me, I’ve got 1450 images and videos there. I get a free Pro account though my *cough* marvellous ISP – with this, I can upload all…