
  • Social media impresario Vaughn Davis was extremely kind to invite me on his radio show for a ramble through the BLACKCAPS, Telecom,‘s ten year anniversary and the mobile apps I use on the bog (Instapaper was my #1). Radio Live Sunday Social – listen to the whole nine yards here. Thanks Vaughn!

  • I was on the Radio New Zealand Mediawatch show talking about the Alternative Commentary Collective, a caravan of chaps commentating the cricket this summer. Hear the interview at Radio New Zealand (my bit’s on about 20 minutes in) and here’s a more thorough run down at

  • A few thoughts on TVNZ’s social media rules as reported in the Herald. Before we make ‘2009 wants its social media policy back’ jokes, let’s allow for some benefit of the doubt. If you’ve ever read coverage of your own company in the papers, you’ll know there’s usually a bit more context to these stories than…

  • On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be on Social Media Club Auckland’s When communities go bad panel, along with Anna Connell, Mike Kooge and Chris Keall.   The panel. Photo filched from SMCAKL site.  Some brief thoughts: Being trolled is part of the territory for doing corporate social media. Of course, social media is just…

  • A few thoughts on the recent The Project [R]Evolution conference. I thoroughly enjoyed Dan Neely from the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office – his points about responding fast, but accurately in a crisis resonated with me. It takes some maturity in an organisation to get on social media and say “we know there’s a crisis…

  • MediaSense is a new social media conference put on by Hal Josephson, a Hawke’s Bay entrepreneur, impresario and top bloke. For me, this was a fantastic chance to meet folk I don’t normally meet, with people from all around the country attending. The Bay was well represented and I was most impressed with the locals’ friendliness…

  • Two links

    I’m becoming a fan of Charlie Brooker – he wrote Dead Set, the ‘Big Brother house is the only refuge from the living dead’ TV series, and works himself into indignant hilarity every week in the Guardian: How annoying is it? Put it this way: James Blunt is also on the list, and he’s the…

  • I’m really enjoying The Mighty Boosh – Mondays 10PM on C4. Last night’s Crack Fox ep was… well, here’s a clip. Turns out they were on the radio first – the show really works in that medium. Here’s a legit-lite download site (hey, it was broadcast on the BBC), or they’re all over torrent sites,…

  • Inspired by Jason Kottke, I’ve been through 1001 books and films you must see before you die and ticked off my reading (28) and viewing (215). It’s fair to say I’ve seen more of the films than read the books on these lists- I tend to read more contemporary lit, and the list focuses more…

  • The Observer interviews Gawker Media’s Nick Denton Nick Denton is the blogosphere’s Baron Silas Greenback, sitting pretty in his New York loft/lair, having figured out what EVERYONE wants to know – how to make money off this here blog thing. I’ve loved Gawkers’ hilariously insulting beatdowns on the ‘internet famous’ for brief periods at a…