• It gave me immense pleasure to turn this abomination: …into this: Piles of cables annoy me out of all proportion.

  • I’m a boy

    You can click it to make it bigger

  • Via this guy, via Kottke: I will propose a new personality test where you reblog your favorite movie from each of these directors: Joel Coen: No Country for Old Men, The Big Lebowski, Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, Miller’s Crossing, Raising Arizona, etc Wes Anderson: The Darjeeling Limited, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal…

  • Ahahahahah. Just look.

  • OK, so this has gone in about 400m from my house. That’s good, right?

  • Via Kung Fu Grippe

  • Chuck Klosterman reviews Chinese Democracy: Reviewing Chinese Democracy is not like reviewing music. It’s more like reviewing a unicorn. It’s like if Jeff Lynne tried to make Out Of The Blue sound more like Fun House, except with jazz drumming and a girl singer from Motown. Somewhere in Los Angles, there’s gotta be 400 hours…

  • Two links

    I’m becoming a fan of Charlie Brooker – he wrote Dead Set, the ‘Big Brother house is the only refuge from the living dead’ TV series, and works himself into indignant hilarity every week in the Guardian: How annoying is it? Put it this way: James Blunt is also on the list, and he’s the…

  • Apple’s Extended II Keyboards and their ‘proper’ clicking keystrokes are back, thanks to Griffin’s iMate ABD – USB converter.  Coveted by the likes of Daring Fireball‘s John Gruber, they feel very different to mushy, modern keyboards. Think more electric typewriter. Good examples go on Ebay for big money, but I got one of the coveted…