The revolution will not be photoshopped competently

Here is the drill. Every so often I photoshop this photo into what I imagine will be a willfully obscure film / TV pop culture reference for my Twitter – which turns out to be depressingly predictable 80s fare nine times out of ten.

You can see the rest of these here and here.  As always, apologies in advance for the photoshopping.

Charlie brown kicking football copy
 steven-spielberg-20070609-267574 copy
 Lost Boys
karate-kid-photo copy
 familyties copy
Dastardly_ani copy
 Dark side
 1769947-100_robocop copy
asterix2 copy
 Animal House
 James Bond
Wall st
 storm copy
 lego_spaceman copy
212_ScreenHunter_ 14-Aug

One response

  1. Cate Avatar

    You rule, ^RI

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