
  • “We have a big fire problem here,” he said. He mentioned that he has his own pump house. “We take the pool water, mix it with Class A foam, and pump it out over the whole property. Everybody else just runs for the hills.” He threw his hands up and did a squeaky voice. “…

  • My ‘Wes Anderson Soundtracks’ itunes playlist gets its’ fair share of air time, lending an effortlessly sophisticated aural sheen to any bbq or family get-together. If, like me, you’d like More Of This Kind Of Thing, soundtrack orientated film blog The Playlist has three downloadable Wes-style playlists for getting quirky to.

  • I’m apparantly 45.6% addicted to film – how about you?.

  • Via this guy, via Kottke: I will propose a new personality test where you reblog your favorite movie from each of these directors: Joel Coen: No Country for Old Men, The Big Lebowski, Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, Miller’s Crossing, Raising Arizona, etc Wes Anderson: The Darjeeling Limited, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal…

  • Two links

    I’m becoming a fan of Charlie Brooker – he wrote Dead Set, the ‘Big Brother house is the only refuge from the living dead’ TV series, and works himself into indignant hilarity every week in the Guardian: How annoying is it? Put it this way: James Blunt is also on the list, and he’s the…

  • You fell asleep watching a DVD. We’ve all been there. Pretty good selection, with Arrested Development and Shaun Of The Dead.

  • Check out’s best photoshop contest for a while – Star Wars characters in other movies. Probably not dial-up friendly.

  • Links

    Wired magazine has an oral history of War Games, the film that made me realise Dad’s TRS-80 was capable of more than 10 Print: You are a dick and 20: Goto 10. Possibly. That shit’s *still* really, really funny Kubrick nitty gritty fans should take an hour to watch this, or the time-poor should read…

  • Apparently Spike Jones’ Where The Wild Things Are adaptation is in trouble. Kids running from the theatre screaming trouble. Sounds great. The LA Times has the run down – along with bonus test footage of a pre-Pixar John Lasseter WTWTA animation.