
  • Here’s what I’ve been up to while neglecting this here blog. I thundered in on the recent truck protest, and the Auckland International Film Festival on the Aucklandista Graeme from Sportsfreak kindly published my nostalgic wallowing on the day we beat the Aussies in 1999 I did a couple of awesome (ahem) cartoons on…

  • Cross-posted from the New-Look Aucklandista When I type ‘Auckland’ into my itunes I get exactly, ah, no results. Alright, there’s the Muttonbird’s ‘Dominion Road‘, a great song ruined by homesick ex-pats, and that punk-AK’79 affair about jumping off Grafton Bridge. Dublin must be shitting itself. We live in a very pretty city, team, so how…

  • Links

    I’ve just thundered in with a coupla posts on The Aucklandista – Two short points on Auckland bookshops, and I want to ride it where I like. I reckon you should get over there and read ’em, it’s heaps better than this blog. Are you too nice? Do you only say ‘no’ to questions like…

  • The original is on the Aucklandista site Remember video shops? Rewinding, fixing the tracking, due back by 12? As a lad, I’d spend hours in the corner video shop trawling the likes of Joysticks and Brewsters’s Millions to find the perfect tape for that weekend’s slumber party (it was a more innocent time back then,…

  • You can read the original over on the Aucklandista For Aucklanders, traffic is big, right up there with property prices and ‘How’s my hair?’. THAT big. So when I moved to the Shore (love makes you do crazy things, team), getting to work weighed heavily on my mind. I mean, Shore traffic is crap, right?…