Soppy Beatles Saturday
0 min read
Read: To Have And Have Not – Ernest Hemmingway
1 min read
Wikipedia says Hemmingway reckoned To Have And Have Not is ‘a bunch of junk’. I reckon he’s right. It’s a mish-mash of a couple of short stories. One’s about Harry Morgan, a hard on his luck fishing boat captain forced to take increasingly desperate measures to feed his family. The other’s about a bunch of…
Read: Grapes Of Wrath – John Steinbeck
1 min read
I’m doing a quick, one paragraph review of novels I read this year – so I’ve got a record, apart from anything else. Like a roller coaster, the first bit was a bit flat, but when it started picking up speed… I haven’t had a *physical* reaction to a novel like this in a long…
Carbohydrate update
1 min read
I grew these potatoes using Llew’s method: The red ones grew better than the brown-skinned ones. And I baked this bread using me Dad’s back of the envelope recipe:
Facebook interesting-ness
1 min read
Burn friends – get a Whopper! Here’s the app.
Fav reads of 2008
1 min read
I read embarrasingly little that was *new* in 2008. But I did get lots read – thanks, bus commuting and baby-enforced early nights. My best were: – East of Eden, with a surprising amount of sex and violence for a book written in 1952 and set at the turn of last century. – In Cold…
Attention box ticking fans!
1 min read
I’m apparantly 45.6% addicted to film – how about you?.
1 min read
Lance Armstrong’s not just a better cyclist than me, but better at Twitter, too. He wouldn’t want to take me on @ procrastination, though.