• DangerHorse

    Dark Night Of The Soul, the collaboration between DangerMouse and Sparklehorse is available on teh torrents (it’s a *very* quick download). The album will be released as a blank CD-R to Stick It To The Man – The Guardian has more.

  • A series of portraits taken from moving cars. via Matt Buchanan

  • Zero hour

    I *did* get there in the end. Slept like a baby.

  • I think I have a new favorite building.

  • My ‘Wes Anderson Soundtracks’ itunes playlist gets its’ fair share of air time, lending an effortlessly sophisticated aural sheen to any bbq or family get-together. If, like me, you’d like More Of This Kind Of Thing, soundtrack orientated film blog The Playlist has three downloadable Wes-style playlists for getting quirky to.

  • Merlin Mann and John Gruber on Turbocharging your blogs with credibility. When two of the smartest internet guys around talk, you should listen, really.

  • 25 Albums

    This meme is naming 25 albums that had a profound effect on you, the ones you listened to again and again, and have worn out copies in a number of formats. Being a big fan of music, lists and contemplating my own naval, here’s mine, in rough chronological order of when I became obsessed with…

  • How to make hard drives even sexier than they already are.

  • American family from immigrant background live an increasingly desperate life. Cunningham has an extremely skillful turn of phase, and despite several hard twists and turns in his story (there’s several ‘oh shit‘ moments), the characters’ path seems grimly inevitable. Thoroughly enjoyable. Link