Richard Irvine

  • 25 Albums

    This meme is naming 25 albums that had a profound effect on you, the ones you listened to again and again, and have worn out copies in a number of formats. Being a big fan of music, lists and contemplating my own naval, here’s mine, in rough chronological order of when I became obsessed with…

  • How to make hard drives even sexier than they already are.

  • American family from immigrant background live an increasingly desperate life. Cunningham has an extremely skillful turn of phase, and despite several hard twists and turns in his story (there’s several ‘oh shit‘ moments), the characters’ path seems grimly inevitable. Thoroughly enjoyable. Link

  • Wikipedia says Hemmingway reckoned To Have And Have Not is ‘a bunch of junk’. I reckon he’s right. It’s a mish-mash of a couple of short stories.  One’s about Harry Morgan, a hard on his luck fishing boat captain forced to take increasingly desperate measures to feed his family. The other’s about a bunch of…

  • I’m doing a quick, one paragraph review of novels I read this year – so I’ve got a record, apart from anything else. Like a roller coaster, the first bit was a bit flat, but when it started picking up speed… I haven’t had a *physical* reaction to a novel like this in a long…

  • Quote

    From an interview with Derek Powazek (who designed the WordPress theme for this site): In many ways, I’m a member of the generation of writers that the web has created. Without the web, I’m not sure I would have ever written what I’ve written, or told the stories I’ve told. This is true.

  • I grew these potatoes using Llew’s method: The red ones grew better than the brown-skinned ones. And I baked this bread using me Dad’s back of the envelope recipe:

  • Burn friends – get a Whopper! Here’s the app.

  • I read embarrasingly little that was *new* in 2008. But I did get lots read – thanks, bus commuting and baby-enforced early nights. My best were: – East of Eden, with a surprising amount of sex and violence for a book written in 1952 and set at the turn of last century. – In Cold…