Two things too small for posts of their own

One: I’ve signed up at My first review is of Donald Sturrock’s Road Dahl bio Storyteller. I recommend it, and wrote a review over there.

Most interesting to me was Dahl’s view of himself as an outsider, never conforming to any individual’s or the literary establishment’s expectations, and the fact that he  came to writing later in life. His time as a pilot in the war and as a diplomat in Washington were facinating, and I got the feeling Sturrock could have added more gossip and scandal in this section – I’m intrigued!

Two: I totally made this for dinner last night, taking this fine recipe and adding chickpeas and sausages.
dinner tonight cc @josiecampbell

2 responses

  1. Lucy Avatar

    How can you say this fabulous sausage-pimped feast is too small for a post of its own? It looks amazing – actually I have read in the Larousse about a meatlovers version of this dish and I reckon you’ve cracked it. (And your mum was so proud she even emailed me the photo!)

  2. Richard Avatar

    You’re right, I played it down too much 🙂

    Thank you for the recipe, I have been reading your blog’s RSS feed for a while now, but this is the first time I made one of your meals. As usual, I learned quiite a lot making a dish for the first time, I’ll be adding the eggs a lot earlier next time; the whole thing wasn’t as liquid as I had in mind by the time we ate it. It *was* very tasty though, thanks loads.

    V. excited this dish was emailed around, between this site, Twitter and Flickr, it’s safe to say this humble meal has gone fully viral.

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