Read: White Teeth by Zadie Smith

This was kind of like reading Michael Chabon for the first time – I couldn’t wait to finish so I could rush out and read everything else she’d done. Set in London, White Teeth bucks its way over a hundred years or so to tell the story of three London families. But that’s kind of like calling The Simpsons a sitcom about a family of five. All kinds of little non sequiturs pop up, and Smith jumps out of the narrative regularly with a snappy metaphor or observation just to make it clear she’s way smart. You know she’d be great company over a pint. It’s a roller coaster ride that gathers up all the threads neatly just when it seems totally impossible. Recommended.

One response

  1. […] may have been a mistake to read this right after White Teeth. The Autograph Man is on a completely different scale to its  predecessor, the narrative taking […]

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