Say hello to my little friend

I bought my iPod (plain vanilla – 20gig, 4G) a few months ago, and frankly, I don’t know how I lived without it. Its just fitted right in to the way I do stuff, and now I’m going to become the 1,000,000,000th person on the internet to say OH MY GOD IT TOTALLY TOTALLY RULES. The three best things are:
– Being able to shuffle my 2850 songs (so far) in the car is amazing, stuff you haven’t heard for ages, but loved 10 years ago pops up right after your new favorite song. It’s like having a radio station you programmed yourself, but you’re still not sure what’s coming next.
– Setting up your own playlist of songs to jam along to on the gat is something else – YOU! LIVE AT WEMBLEY! AND YOU CAN JUST PAUSE AND GO TO THE LOO!
– With an iTrip you can take over stereos everywhere from Taxis to yer mate’s place. Highly recommended.


One response

  1. […] and a half years ago I bought one of my most favorite gadgets ever – my first iPod. 4th generation, 20GB, that vanilla […]

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